Buy My Cook Citric Acid Sour Salt Tatri 100g Online | Carrefour Pakistan
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My Cook Citric Acid Sour Salt Tatri 100g
My Cook Citric Acid Sour Salt Tatri 100g
My Cook Citric Acid Sour Salt Tatri 100g
My Cook Citric Acid Sour Salt Tatri 100g
My Cook Citric Acid Sour Salt Tatri 100g
My Cook Citric Acid Sour Salt Tatri 100g
My Cook Citric Acid Sour Salt Tatri 100g
My Cook Citric Acid Sour Salt Tatri 100g
My Cook Citric Acid Sour Salt Tatri 100gMy Cook Citric Acid Sour Salt Tatri 100gMy Cook Citric Acid Sour Salt Tatri 100gMy Cook Citric Acid Sour Salt Tatri 100g
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My Cook Citric Acid Sour Salt Tatri 100g

PKR 199.00(Inc. VAT)

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My cook citric acid sour salt tatri food additive gives an intense taste use this salt in preparation of foods, meats that need salt.



Citric acid e330

Storage Condition

Store In Cool And Dry Place

Brand Message

Deep green food color